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Description BlockStarPlanet

BlockStarPlanet is a block-building game from developer MovieStarPlanet. It’s available to play on Android, iOS, and on Windows using an internet browser. It’s a game that’s similar to popular titles such as Minecraft and Roblox, yet it certainly has plenty of unique features that make it appealing to gamers of all ages.

Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects of BlockStarPlanet is that players get to create their own avatar, known as a BlockStar. This unique character represents you in the game, and you can customise it almost endlessly. You can use other players’ pre-made designs or create your very own. You can then choose your weapons, legs, and colors to make your BlockStar unique.

Once you’ve created your player avatar, it’s time to start building your own personal Worlds. Whether you choose a battle world to face off against other players or a parkour level to put your skills to the test, the possibilities are endless. Choose from a variety of settings and times, and get as creative as you like. You can also team up with other players to create a world that’s totally special.
One of the most important elements of BlockStarPlanet is the exploration. You can discover, create, share, and mix your dreams with a thriving player base. The game’s Nexus allows you to explore the many different Worlds and Parts that other BlockStars have created. Once you’ve found one you like, you can connect with other players to make new friends. The game’s chat function means you can have all kinds of interactions with a diverse range of gamers.
Parents need not worry about how safe the game is. Players using the BlockStarPlanet secure servers will be protected by the game’s chat filter safeguards.
The game is free to play and has tons of content available. There’s also a VIP subscription that gives extra content and features, making the game even more expansive. Overall, this is the ideal game for creative people who like to build and explore new worlds.

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BlockStarPlanet requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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