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Rising Cities

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Description Rising Cities

Rising Cities is a free to play city simulation game from developer Bigpoint. The title originally launched back in 2010 and is playable on web browsers. All you need to do is visit the Rising Cities website and sign up for a free account. You can then access the game from almost anywhere. It won the accolade of MMO of the year in 2013.
The game gives you the chance to create your very own city, acting mayor to its many citizens. Like many city building sims, strategy and planning are crucial in the early stages of Rising Cities. You have to carefully think ahead about how you want your city and its citizens to progress.
Starting with a simple country field, you must transform the land into a thriving metropolis. Of course, you’ll have to battle the unexpected at every turn, serving your citizens in the best way possible to keep them happy.
Along with building homes and shops for your city’s inhabitants, you’ll also have to manage the finances of your creation. Raise taxes, collect rent, and reinvest it in your city’s infrastructure.
One of the key aspects of Rising Cities is the raw materials that drive industry. Can you balance this search and exploitation of resources with keeping your city clean, attractive, and safe to live? It’s all about finding a balance.
Another central pillar of the game is trade. You’ll have to manufacture and sell goods to make money, allowing you to then purchase the essentials you’re unable to manufacture. By keeping all of these elements in balance, you can slowly grow your coffers and make your city thrive.
As well as solo-player elements, you can also team up with your friends in multiplayer mode. You can set up trade relationships with other cities, hoard resources, and make the choices that are right for your city.
Head over to Bigpoint’s Rising Cities website today and get started with a free account. Before long, you’ll be the mayor of your very own city.

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Rising Cities requirements

  • Windows 7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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