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Description Goalunited

Goalunited LEGENDS is an online soccer manager simulator from northworks Software GmbH. It’s a unique and engaging game that brings together various elements of soccer management into a browser based experience that’s free to play. The game originally launched back in 2006 and has continued to adapt and improve, winning several prizes over the years.
Players get the chance to manage their own team and take it through the ranks as they dominate the league. You take on the responsibility of coach and manager, taking charge of the tactics both on and off the pitch.

Goalunited LEGENDS uses some complex mechanics to calculate the outcome of the matches. There are many different variables that can affect each game, and you’re assured to have competitive games with a good amount of realism. You’ll get to develop your stadium, recruit sponsors, and hire new staff members to create a club that runs efficiently. Of course, the players are at the heart of any great team, and you’ll be able to train them up too.

The transfer market is active and cutthroat, meaning you’ll have to spend wisely and look to hire genuine talent. You can develop your own youth squad too, nurturing the stars of the future. Goalunited LEGENDS is a game that has many different nuances and a lot to offer.
There are elements of management sim in this title too. As your fan base grows, you’ll have to raise the prospects of your club, deciding on how the stadium looks, what facilities to develop, and where to spend your money.

Only the most dedicated and insightful managers will be successful in this game. You’ll have to know your team and backroom staff inside and out in order to prepare for each game. Every opponent is different, and you’ll need to keep your finger on the pulse if you’re to outwit the opposition.
If you enjoy soccer manager games, Goalunited LEGENDS is a title you should definitely check out. Start playing today for free by heading over to the northworks Software GmbH website.

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Goalunited requirements

  • Windows 7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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