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Description Touch

Touch Online is a music and rhythm game from 3Claws that you can play in your browser. It is themed on K-Pop music, fashion and more and allows you to enjoy music from leading Korean pop sensations like Girls Generation and Infinite. You can play with and against friends and make brand new connections in multiple game modes. Personalise your avatar with a range of fashions and even find romance on the dancefloor thanks to the built-on dating system. The game also features J-pop and English music. It is published by Perfect World and was first released in 2014.

Touch Online has a vast song library as well as a selection of difficulty levels. Use keystrikes to sync up to the beat and win points. You can also play online and work your way through a number of map stages and complete a host of tasks, which will help you gain valuable points and unlock new stages as well as cosmetics. Perfect your abilities to move on to the following rank and leap up the leaderboards by showing off your combos and levelling. Why not join a guild and even get married? You can personalise your character in a variety of ways, such as choosing hairstyles, outfits and other items to make yourself truly distinctive.

The free online dancing game has become a global phenomenon and allows you to play as a male or female avatar, trying out two main dancing styles, touch and bubble, the latter of which are more complex to master. Why not dive into Touch Online right now?

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Touch requirements

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • Core 2 Duo
  • 3 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • 500 MB
  • 1 Mb/s
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