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Description HorseFarm

Horse Farm is a game from indie developer upjers. As the name suggests, it’s based around a horse farm and is a simulation and management game. It’s available to play for free on Steam, as well as the developer’s website.
Equestrian enthusiasts will find a lot to like about this charming game. The basic premise sees players build their very own horse ranch. They can then keep an array of different horses, pamper them, and bring guests to show them off. It’s every horse lover’s dream.

For a game with such a simple premise, Horse Farm has quite a bit of depth to it. There are several different types of buildings that you’ll have to construct, each bringing a different dynamic to the game. There are also many different breeds of horses, from Appaloosas and Quarter Horses to Shetland Ponies, Arabians, Hanoverian and more. You can even cross different breeds to mix and match the special abilities you desire.

As you play through the game, there are several different horse-related leisure activities you can take part in. However, you’ll also have to oversee the smooth running of your ranch. There are many opportunities for you to customise your horses and your ranch, from building your first stable to developing your own riding academy.

Horses need a lot of care and attention, and Horse Farm is no different. You’ll need to attract guests to your ranch by creating comfortable housing, serving delicious food, and running a thriving business. You can control elements of your farm such as the fences, windows, and lodges. You’ll also have to hire the right staff to train your animals and take care of your guests. Each element is lovingly detailed, giving the game a real charm.
Whether you’re a fan of horses or not, this is a tycoon game that offers many hours’ of gameplay. Best of all, it’s free to get started with. All you need is an active internet connection, and you can start crafting your dream ranch today.

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HorseFarm requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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