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Description Warface

Warface is a 3D first-person tactical shooter created by Crytek that was released in 2013. It has gameplay similar to the Battlefield and Call of Duty series, with different classes that perform specific roles and a big focus on team-based multiplayer game modes.

In Warface, players are given the choice between competitive and cooperative games. Through matches, players earn cash, experience, and vendor points. This lets gamers unlock new weapons, gear, and weapon mods. Leveling in Warface also rewards players with trial periods for premium items and VIP status, which grants additional cash, experience, and vendor rewards after matches.

Warface Key Features:
Tactical FPS gameplay – similar to Call of Duty with traditional game modes like Team Deathmatch and Counter-Strike inspired plant the bomb, defuse the bomb.
Four Classes – Engineer, Medic, Rifleman, and Sniper.
PvE and PvP – unique co-op missions as well as traditional lobby-based tactical FPS gameplay.
Weapon Degradation – weapons degrade and must be repaired with money earned from playing matches.
Leveling System – rewards players with trial periods for premium items and VIP status.
Dynamic Weapon Attachments – attach weapon attachments in-game for a tactical advantage.

Don't be a camper - why not sink your teeth into this super-combat sandwich and see how your FPS skills hold up?

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Warface requirements

  • Windows 7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD Dual-Core 2.0 GHz
  • 2 GB
  • NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT / AMD ATI Radeon X1950
  • 10 GB
  • 1 Mb/s
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