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Description Roblox

The family-friendly MMOG Roblox is designed with children aged 4-14 in mind and enables players to create a building-block avatar, explore a vast virtual world and engage in social interaction. Players can construct all sorts of buildings and use built-in tools to create their own games. After games are approved, multiplayer participation can commence. Users can earn in-game currency to buy building materials and clothes. Parents can rest assured that professional moderators are always on hand ensuring the environment remains completely safe. There’s also a parent account feature and privacy controls. The game is free-to-play, through upgrades and subscriptions featuring various bonuses can be paid for.

Players can customise their character with various features and clothing items, and there are vast opportunities to make new friends and find players. There are millions of customised characters to choose from, and players are only limited by their own imagination. Different games have different goals, and player versus player action can be enjoyed whilst other goals are completed. You’ll need to download a special Roblox browser to begin playing the game.

Kids across the world have immersed themselves in the child-orientated world of Roblox, a safe play for children to develop their skills and enjoy valuable rewards. Interacting with other players is easy. The game has regularly been compared to Lego because of its focus on building blocks and was designed to enhance creativity and socialisation. It was first unveiled in 2005 and requires players to get to grips with a basic scripting language called Lua to build their own worlds. Why not discover Roblox today?

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Roblox requirements

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • 1,6 GHz or higher
  • 512 MB
  • NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 / ATI Radeon 9500 / Intel GMA 3100
  • 20 MB
  • 1 Mb/s
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