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Description Stonies

Stonies is a Stone Age simulation and survival game from developer upjers. It was released on Steam in February 2018, but had previously been launched as a browser-based experience in 2017. It’s also available on iOS and Android. Set in prehistoric times, players take control of the eponymous Stonies, the tribespeople of the era. You must build a civilization from the barest bones and guide your tribe through history.

Stonie men, women, and children will all form part of your tribe, and each has their own special skills and characteristics. They’re essentially the workforce that will help progress you through the game. They can make tools and objects, as well as build structures and gather precious resources. Players start with just one Stonie, but they can expand their tribe through friendship, marriage, and birth. As your population grows, you can explore, hunt, and craft to improve your standing in the game.

The game is free-to-play across all platforms, meaning you can either create an account for the browser version, download the app through Steam, or get it for your iOS or Android device. This means that you can play Stonies wherever you are across whichever platform you prefer.

The game uses 3D graphics that are cartoonish in style. It throws you into a world where dangers and challenges are rife, meaning you’ll have to try your hardest to make your tribe survive. Whether that’s through foraging, crafting weapons, or expanding your village is up to you.
Stonies is a blend of life simulation and tycoon game. You can partner your Stonies up and see their family expand, as well as manage the expansion of your territory through a variety of mechanics. As you explore and uncover new parts of this enjoyable environment, you can improve the skills and abilities of your Stone Age population. Through doing so, you can prove your skills as a leader in this most exciting of times.
Can you drag your primeval village into more sophisticated times? Start playing today to find out whether you’re up to the challenge.

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Stonies requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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