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Description Momio

Momio is a social media game for those under the age of 18 developed by a Danish company also called Momio. It gives users the chance to find friends, new and existing, to hang out and chat with. Your Momio is your digital avatar that you can customize, dress, and play with. The app has plenty of built-in functionality to make hanging out with your friends digitally a fun and safe experience.

Players can use Momio to make posts and get comments, allowing you to keep on the pulse of everything that’s going on with your friends and friendship group. You can also style you Momio any way you like, with a broad selection of outfits and cosmetic changes. The same applies to your digital room; you can decorate it with a variety of items in many different styles. Your room is your safe space where you can express yourself and your tastes.

Of course, it’s not all about chatting. You can play many different games with your beloved Momio. You’ll have to take care of them to make sure that all of their needs are met, as well as guide them through a series of games and challenges. By doing this, you can climb your way through the various levels and win many different prizes.

If you’re more about relaxing online, Momio can help you kick back and watch YouTube videos, whether by yourself or with your friends. There’s no better way to chill out than with the help of your digital self. As a bonus, every day that you log on to the social media platform, you’ll have the chance to earn free diamonds and other surprises.
Momio is an app that is perfect for under eighteens, and adults can rest assured that it’s safe and suitable. The development team always make sure that their users are safe and protected while they’re using the app. It also closes on a night to make sure that children get a good night’s sleep. It’s the perfect introduction to the world of social media.

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Momio requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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