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Description VastWars

VastWars is a browser game themed around the criminal underworld that tasks you creating a criminal empire and developing your own crime lord into a ruthless, powerful and formidable leader via a range of activities. There are various time-based tasks and missions to complete that will deliver rewards, experience and money. The game features players from various countries and has a sizeable, vibrant community which enables you to share tips and tricks.

The game is text-based and requires to become the Don of your city. Create the biggest crime ring in your area and become the world’s most feared criminal. When you begin the VastWars, you’ll be asked a number of questions to shape the nature of your character. You can become an immoral businessman, evil crime lord or corrupt law enforcement officer. It’s vital that you hit the gym on a regular basis to build up your physical strength and you’ll also need to create a number of buildings with your cash. The buildings will create jobs to give you more cash and you can even purchase clothes in the mall.

Take on other players for money and loot and choose between benefitting from low tax rates as a cop, earning modest interest in the bank as a mobster or pay more tax but make more money as a businessman. You can even join a gang to collaborate on crimes with a group and strengthen your chances of success without being thrown into prison. Why not explore the murky, brutal but rewarding world of VastWars right now?

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VastWars requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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