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Description Wartune

The fantasy hybrid MMORPG is the work of R2Games Entertainment and enables you to take part in a host of rewarding activities like boss battles, city building, turn-based combat, role-playing and farming as well as a PvP play. The game offers a series of events, daily rewards and quests. You can earn bonuses and gifts in the daily rewards and enjoy the chance to customise your character and upgrade their skills. Take on other players in battlegrounds for honour and insignia and choose from the character classes Knight, Mage and Archer.

Create and upgrade your city to make you stronger and use the Astral System for collecting and synthesising stars, which will also boost the abilities of your character. Enjoy one-on-one PvP and take on multiple players in group arena PvP. Wartune offers fast-paced action and fuses city building with RPG action.

Mages are masters of magic that can summon spells to heal their allies and attack enemies, whilst knights can use two-handed weapons to slice up their enemies. They can also raise shields to protect their allies, whilst archers have impressive ranged attacks as well as sniper capabilities. The Quick Time Event Combat System keeps you directly involved in battle and ensures the actions totally immersive. Win gold, experience and loot in daily and bounty quests and enjoy vast thousand-person boss battles. Are you ready to contribute towards thwarting the ruthless bosses? Why not try out Wartune for yourself today and find out what all the fuss is about for yourself?

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Wartune requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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