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Dark Orbit

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Description Dark Orbit

Bigpoint’s Dark Orbit is a space-based MMORPG playable in your browser. It is based on PvP action featuring a small handful of safe areas, with the rest of the galaxy being as explosive as is hazardous. You are tasked with working your way up your company’s ladder and conquering new sectors in other galaxies. Play Dark Orbit against thousands of real opponents from across the world as three huge corporations fight to gain total control of the galaxy instead of dividing it between them. You’ll be asked which corporation you wish to work for, with each one having different objectives. You may get the chance to swap factions but you can expect to pay a hefty price.

The Mars Mining Operation are focussed on profit-making and opportunism, whilst the Earth Industries Corporation require you commit fully to the company and work towards shared goals. Venus Resources Unlimited claim to be passionate about protecting the galaxy and treating employees fairly. You’ll be faced with evil aliens and tasked with using aggression, lust for money or cunning to achieve your goals. Whichever corporation you choose, you need to collect resources of great value and use all your tactical expertise and skill to acquire victory.

There are many ways to personalise your ship and a host of different ships with different features to choose from. The game apparently has 80 million active players every day. Why not join them today and explore the vast world of Dark Orbit, where threats await you at every turn?

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Dark Orbit requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • 2 GHz or higher
  • 1 GB
  • 512 MB VRAM or more
  • Broadband Internet connection / 1 Mb/s
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