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Echo of Soul

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Description Echo of Soul

Echo of Soul - Only you can salvage creation and the 'World Tree' from a dark, malevolent force intent on destroying every living thing. Echo of Soul here at Bananatic is a free-to-play 3D fantasy MMORPG originally from South Korea. It was created by a few key members of Lineage 2 and concentrates on bringing you a smooth, vital MMORPG experience. Instead of trying to be groundbreaking it tries to focus on PvE and PvP modes or environments that are effective and fun. It's also unique in being the only download MMORPG that comes with a mobile app. Players can manage their inventory, auctions and chat with friends online without being inside the entire game.

Six customizable classes: Warrior, Archer, Rogue, Guardian, Sorceress and Warlock
Solid PvP combat including battlefields, arenas, and open guild war
Soul System enables the collection of souls from fallen foes to activate buffs, enhance abilities, or craft useful items
Take on hundreds of new quests on the road to level 70.
Battle your way through brand new, high-level Solo and Party Dungeons.
Reach untold heights of power with new gear and enhancement systems.
Show off your skills in an exciting new PvP season.
No dedicated healing classes, creating more fast-paced and strategic combat
Expansion packs due for release or in development.

Question: shouldn't you be falling in love with a new MMORPG? Especially one with intricate storytelling and characters that employs the best elements from former titles for memorable, shared gaming experiences that linger long after the computers are off.

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Echo of Soul requirements

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • Intel CoreDuo
  • 4 GB
  • Geforce 6600
  • 13 GB
  • 1 Mb/s
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