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Champions Online

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Description Champions Online

Champions Online is a comic book-themed action MMORPG where you’re tasked with defending Millennium City and can even personalise your character by choosing from a host of costume pieces. Take on mega-villains including Dr. Destroyer, create your own nemesis and utilise your most valuable skills. Join forces with Defender and the Champions to stop Dr. Destroyers and his minions in their tracks and combat the evil that threatens to overpower the city.

Enjoy Champions Online levels 1 to 40 completely free of charge. You can also select from thousands of colours and body types to create your own unique hero, and the vast library options available to you mean that there are billions of combinations available. What’s more is that you can pick a name, costume and powers for your enemy to humiliate them throughout their career. There are alternate dimensions to discover, and various villains to take on, including VIPER, the ancient Lemurians and Mechanon, who are hellbent on removing all organic life from the planet. Your job is to crush these awesome attempts to end humanity.

The fast-paced game is renowned for its thrilling combat and you can join up with various other heroes and create a supergroup to take on your enemies. The more successful you are, the greater the rewards become. Successes are met with valuable costume pieces to improve your abilities and powers. If you’re ready to utilise your skills in an ever-changing world and combat a host of threats, why not jump into the world of Champions Online right now?

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Champions Online requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
  • 2GHz Dual Core
  • 2GB
  • NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or Better / ATI Radeon HD3850
  • 5GB
  • 1 Mb/s
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